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Sun Setting on PGGP

First, PGGP runs fine on Windows computers.

The Macintosh OS version of PGGP will not run on the new Lion (OS 10.7) Apple released the summer of 2011.  This was sort of uncertain for a while but now it is official.  

PGGP is getting tired.  The first copies of PGGP ran on DOS.  It moved to Apple ProDOS on Apple //e computers and then to Macintosh.  Windows PGGP appeared in the 90's.  

I love Macintosh computers, but Apple has been tough on developers.  The original Mac used the 6800 Motorola processors.  When they moved to the PowerPC, many things broke.  Programs and compilers had to be rewritten.   System X was another tough time, and more software had to be rewritten.  Then came Intel and Apple supplied a hidden translator called Rosetta that made earlier software work.  Rosetta will not be supplied, nor will it work with the new OS 10.7.  So, PGGP  for Mac dies.  (So do many early versions of Mac software.)

This makes me sad, but I am retired and probably loosing touch with the true classroom.  The learning curve for OS 10.7 is huge and the big boys are taking over gradebooks.  PGGP for Windows will continue to run and of course will run on any Macintosh running Windows.
