PGGP is Now Free
Wow. PGGP had a great run. However, the big boys finally realized that 1/2 the K-12 teachers are elementary teachers. PGGP can't connect with state systems, can't keep health records or do IEPs for Special Ed. PGGP keeps grades for self-contained teachers.
The first copy of PGGP was sold in 1987. Version 5 was released on 07/07/07, which I thought was mildly amusing... and touted it as Tripple-07 to the rescue. Now on 07/09/13 PGGP is fading into the sunset. As I look back on all the programming I learned and how well it ran for years and years, from DOS and Apple //e to Mac and Windows I am a bit nostolgic. It gave a great sense of accomplishment when words I typed came to life on the screen. It was even more exciting to have it calculate grades correctly. *smile*
I know most districts are using web based programs and some of them are absolutely terrible. I hear from users that they use PGGP to actually keep grades and then pound the results into the "district system". So, while PGGP sales have dropped, I am allowing teachers to download PGGP for free. It won't run on the newest Macs and will someday have trouble with Windows. I doubt there will be many updates in the future. But if you can use PGGP, be my guest.
I do ask that you download PGGP here, and not post it on every website in the world. I still like to look at the counter now and then and see how many are still downloading PGGP.
Thank you to all the loyal customers. Teachers are the best. You have always been patient with me when there were glitches in PGGP.
I will continue answer questions. I probably won't be fixing many bugs, but there are not many being found these days.