Harlow’s Useless Words List

Twitter: (Harlow Kelly- @DelightfullyThe)

Crutch Word List:
Just, Almost, Basically, Actually, Definitely, Literally, Really Very Truly Essentially Absolutely
Seriously Honestly Totally Obviously Like Of Up About

Redundant Telling:
5 senses of redundant telling:
saw , looked, see, seeing
Heard, hear, hearing
Tasted, tasting, taste
Felt, feel, feeling
Smelled, smell, smelling
Do not TELL your reader it is being sensed, let the character SHOW it with description of what is being sensed.

Other Telling Indicators:
Realize, realized, realizing, was, were, when, as, the sound of, could see, saw, notice, noticed, noticing, consider, considered, considering, knew, think, thought, thinking, believe, believed, believing, wonder, wondered, wondering, recognize, recognized, recognizing, hope, hoped, hoping, supposed, pray, prayed, praying, angrily, stared, watched, etc.

Put watches on your own personal list of:
Repeat Body Language
Repeat Phrasing
Repeat tags that are used too often with one character (If someone is ALWAYS growling their dialog, you may have a problem)

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