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Report Card Time

(Probably a District or School Wide Solution)

Finally, Report Cards done right.   PGGP gives you the best of both worlds:  the power of the Web combined with a stand alone (on your computer) grade book.   PGGP, because it is an application on your computer is fast, fast, fast.  This allows you to enter grades at lightening speed.   When you want grades on the web for parents or report cards printed, PGGP makes one quick upload.  Parents can use PGGP's Online Grades view grades as the grade period progresses and you can print report cards in minutes when they are due.  

If you wonder how fast, click on the Put a pdf Sample on My Desktop and see.   This is not a stored file you are downloading... Even at dial up speeds the whole class only takes seconds to download.  RCT is actually accessing the database online for 22 students and creating the report cards. (Rachel Dodge is new and had no grades for the first trimester.)   It tells you it is ready to view or save and then it is placed on your computer.   After printing, you can save the pdf file away in case you ever need to print a lost card.

This card was developed for a school in Oregon and is just one example of what can be done.

 Put a pdf Sample on My Desktop  

(DemoRCT.pdf )  

I have a few generic cards. If one of them can fit your situation, the price can be much cheaper to develop.  I do have a beautiful rendering of the Hawaii Standards Based Report Card. * (Hawaii is very organized and has their standards-based grading well thought out.)

Report Card Time will be offered in yearly subscriptions, starting fall 2007 at $1.00 a student.  I find that report cards are a sensitive issue with many districts.   Cards can be developed that are exactly like the current report card you are using.

*  If you look at the Hawaii card you will find that grades are not being put on this card.  It is reading two students who have no "Hawaii" grades and creating two cards.  Also the Hawaii seal, on the standard based card, has been replaced with a little map as I did not feel comfortable using the official seal without permission.   

 Hawaii Card

